Self love can be mistaken for self indulgence or letting go of responsibilities. Actually, it consists of taking time out of each day to take care of yourself. It could be as simple as journaling for five minutes at the end of the day to reflect on all that's happened or a planned weekend trip to disconnect from work and tasks. Ultimately, self love will result in you feeling better, being content, and having fulfilling time with friends, family, and colleagues. By creating a day around habits that require you to have some "me" time, the intention of how you live your day will evolve into something magnificent.

Gratitude Journal
It allows you to reflect on the day and think of those things, people, and pets that make you grateful. Trouble with new ideas? Check out this article for tips on journaling.

Thanking Others
A hand written note can make someone's day. There are plenty of people who become a part of our life in some way or another. Honoring them and letting them know you appreciate them is a simple way to give back to others who have helped you along the way. Stuck on the words to say? These helpful hints may ignite a spark.

Epsom Salt Baths
Fantastic for your body, any aches and pains, and relaxation. They are not limited to ladies who appreciate a moment of peace. Guys receive the same benefits. Turn that phone on silent and let that mind be still. Try out these recipes.
It releases endorphins - the natural pick me up, increases energy, strength, flexibility. The best exercises are the ones that you are willing to do. There are plenty of group exercise classes, yoga, exercise groups, and nature trails so that you can select what you love to do. When you join a group, you're more likely to continue exercise and they'll hold you accountable. Not to mention, you may make some amazing friends! Check out these benefits.

Being well rested and making this a priority will help you think clearly and focus throughout the day instead of needing a midday siesta. Mood, cognitive, and motor performance were negatively affected with partial sleep deprivation (<5 hours of sleep) in Pilcher & Huffcutt's 1996 sleep study.

Does it have to be a guided 30 minute meditation? No. If you are completely new to the practice, I would suggest starting out timing yourself for five minutes and build up to whatever time is adequate for you. The one rule: No Interruptions! As a small business owner, I completely understand trying to be still when your mind is wandering with all the tasks that need to be completed during the day. However, if you start your day with a simple focus, perhaps your year long vision, five year vision, a single word, Bible verse, etc. This will help ground you during the day. Annoyances will get under your skin less and you'll be able to execute decisions based on your focus much better rather than saying "yes" to everyone. Try it out right now!

Self Help
Your results in your life will depend on wherever you focus your mind. Spending hours and hours indulging in Netflix? Perhaps spending a lot of your lunchtime on Facebook, scrolling through news feed? Consider adding in a couple books per month that feed your mind and help you stay on the path that you want for yourself. Only 30 minutes of reading per day can start changing the path of your life and take you to the next level.
Limitless Body
You wake up. You grind out projects, shop, cook, clean, make phone calls, etc. At the end of the day, you have to make sure you're well adjusted. Structurally, chemically, and emotionally speaking... if you're remotely stressed (all Americans), have any traumas (includes stubbing your toe), or eat processed foods (fast food, alcohol, food that's not on the outside aisle of the grocery store), then your body will have a harder time staying in balance. Chiropractic, applied kinesiology, massage therapy, professional kinesiology, and functional medicine can help keep your body and mind balanced so future stresses can be managed better. Increased energy, better attention span/focus, and living a pain free life will aid in how you are able to operate throughout your day.

Keep in mind that you must take care of your own airplane mask before aiding others who need assistance. Make yourself a priority so you're able to assist, provide, and enjoy the company of others and have a fulfilling quality of life. Make every day count!
Yours in health,
Dr. D